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John Olutope

John Olutope


Title: Stressed Economy and Stress Cardiomyopathy Mortality in Nigeria


Biography: John Olutope


The topic of psycho physiological factors in the incidence of and death from cardiovascular disease has been the subject of much conjecture and a growing amount of empirical investigation. Major societal stresses that may contribute to stress cardiomyopathy mortality include those brought on by negative changes in people's economic circumstances. Therefore, a more general hypothesis of the current study suggests that it’s probable that some people would be more likely to suffer life-threatening scenarios that would undermine their psychological and physical stability in times of diminished financial security. However, pertinent investigations have shown somewhat contradictory results with a range of plausible explanations. The pattern of cardiovascular ailments in Nigeria is unquestionably impacted by the terrible position the Nigerian economy is in right now. The new cardiovascular health investigative modalities, medications, interventions, and other treatment options all come at a cost a deadly cost price: for the majority of Nigerians. Health is not cheap. At $190 per day in 011, the global bank reported that the poverty headcount ratio was: 53% (both in 2003 and 2009) (% of population) With only 4% of the country's annual budget going to the health sector, Nigeria's budgetary support for the field has remained meagre Computation in the health system has contributed immensely to the misappropriation of the meagre resources available to the health sector Research work on the prevalence of CVD in Nigeria is scanty, however, the available data have shown that there is a direct connection between the crisis and the rise of stress cardiomyopathy mortality. It is necessary, therefore, to find alternative ways to deal with stress induced diseases Intuitively, when looking al mortality among the whole population most studies of recessions prior to the financial crisis of 2007408 find that the rate of deaths is lower during recessions than during booms (for example, Ruhm, 2000). Because when people's incomes are reduced, they might cat more healthily and reduce consumption of alcohol or cigarettes (Griffith et al, 2016, Adda et al, 2009) one study also finds that recessions slow the spread of diseases transmitted by viruses, because people move less between different regions for business or leisure (Adda. 2016). Strict goals should be established for the control of risk variables at the preventative level. For the health sector to provide access to cardiac rehabilitation therapy, calculated providence should be greatly raised additionally, donations from non-profit groups and charitable foundations that, for instance, started and funded numerous open-heart operations for both adults and children across the nation should be encouraged. Finally, it is clear that economic policies and political unrest have left a pronounced surgical scar on the population’ state of health. Leaders need to understand that unfavourable policies kill more people than pandemics and armed conflicts.